Hi everyone im Siti Bahjah, since 2015 and i hired farina via AP FAYYAZ SDN BHD i would like say that their leighbours are really effective and passionate on the task assigned to them.farina is my maid since 2014 and we had extend her twice to stay with us because of her string interpersonalskills. since the first day she joined i noticed that she is a friendly and responsible character at the same time she gained our trust on babysitting house hold tasks and more.A special thanks to AP FAYYAZ SDN BHD.
AP FAYYAZ SDN BHD also pay attention to their leighbours performance by providing onsite visit.Beside's that we do offer some counselling programs for their clients and leighbours.in terms of service quality we do provide 3 months of warranty for every leighbour assigned.
Hi everyone im Farina, and i have been hired since 2016.im really proud of my employer because, even the are busy they do concern about my health and task difficulties at the same time i felt they treat me as one of their family member.A special Thanks to AP FAYYAZ SDN BHD.